Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just to hear her voice...

One of the hardest things about dealing with Mom's death has been the loss of her sweet voice…her joyous, lovely, comforting voice. She’d call and leave voicemails (one, two or three times a day, sometimes!), and she’d say, “Hey hunnnn…it’s your favorite Mom. Love you!” or “Hey doll…just checking in. I love you.” We were never a family to record family outings or events, so sadly we don’t have much in the way of video archives to play back and hear her. But, thanks to modern technology, I have a quick clip (courtesy of Melodie Fleming), of her in May of this year, a few short weeks before her death. She’s reading scripture and encouraging the kids at school at the CCA Awards Ceremony. I’ve been playing it over and over at my desk. It comforts me and brings a smile to my face to be able to hear that sweet voice again. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

thanks Melodie

Barney Sarver said...

Yes, Thanks Mel for being so sensative and thoughtful. It was wonderful to hear Cheri's voice but sad as well. That was the 1st and only time she was involved in a program in "her" gym.

Speaking of Cheri's Gym. We are working towards a dedication of her building sometime in September. We'll keep everyone posted.

Anonymous said...

All of you stay on Jim's and my hearts, we love you.
Sandi Faulk

valco said...

Everyone will always love and remember her the way she was I know I will. She was the best Principal I have ever had and will always be the best. I will never forget the 100 point club skating party. I wish the best of luck to the Sarver family.

Lots of love,
Daena C.(student at C.C.A 5th grade)

maddogamus said...

hola......... its me mady and i just wnated to thank ms melodie for the video, if it werent for her, i wouldnt be able to hear her sweet voice, until i got to heaven, (and the words that come out of mr. barneys voice) because when he talks, deep in my heart, i can hear her voice inside of me! thanks again ms melodie.
love madyson. cca student of 9 yrs