Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How are you spending your time?

Below is a link to an article written by Tony Snow in Christianity Today last summer. Jason found this article recently and shared it with me. Tony had a powerful perch from which to survey his life, knowing that his death was on the horizon. He did indeed die earlier this year, which makes this article even more poignant. It has some powerful messages for thinking about life, death and what happens in between. Even if you don't read the whole article, ponder this one comment:

"We don't know how the narrative of our lives will end, but we get to choose how to use the interval between now and the moment we meet our Creator face-to-face."

I know that my Mom spent every moment of her life serving and loving others. At her death, she was ready to meet her Creator confident that she had spent her time wisely.

How are you spending your time?

Cancer's Unexpected Blessings
When you enter the Valley of the Shadow of Death, things change.
Tony Snow posted 7/20/2007 02:30PM

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